Business Trends Forum 2022
The Annual Business Trendsetters’ forum is a continuation of the Business Trendsetters’ Cocktail that was launched on 17th January 2020 and held on January 8, 2021. This year, on March 9th, we shall be holding the 3RD BUSINESS TRENDS SETTERS’ FORUM under the Theme: “Innovation Culture for Business Continuity” at Kampala Sheraton Hotel. The one-day event will have a virtual and physical audience, break away sessions and exhibitions-both on venue and virtual, and an Awards Gala to recognize the 2021 business trendsetters as has been nominated by the General public and will be voted within the last 30days to the day.
Forum Details:
Strategic Benefits for Platinum Sponsorship
- In line with the core values of customer centricity and innovation, and trend setting, get a direct link into over 400 CEOs, Business leaders and entrepreneurs 90% of them below 45 years which aligns with active consumers.
- Evidence based testimonies where self-appointed brand ambassadors existing in Business Trends will be attached to the partner or sponsor, these we call Trends Tracers. This is more effective than advertisements on TVs and Billboards.
- Complementing the Corporate Social Investment (CSI) strategy of the organization by creating lasting brand identity as legacy creation is part of our objectives. This creates a continuous pool of potential high end influential customers out of the participants of Business Trends Setters’ forum"
Other Benefits for Platinum Sponsorship
Co-branding of the entire event venue, event stationary and other materials
Logo Recognition as a sponsor on all media campaign tools. (Newspapers, TV Stations, Radio, Banners and Fliers)
Speaking opportunity at the Press Briefings and media interviews
Speaking opportunity at the summit workshop
A slot among the Panelists of one of the sessions
Branding press conference
Free standard Exhibition booth
Mentions on the social media platforms such as Face book, Twitter and website
Website free banner AD and promotion on
Partnership Appreciation Plaque
20 MC stage moderator mentions
A designated table of 15 people for the company
Inserts of promotional materials in all handouts to participants.
Display of Company Brochures on all tables.
GOLD SPONSORSHIP (Ugx 30,000,000)
Logo Recognition as a sponsor on all media campaign tools. (Newspapers, TV Stations, Radio, Banners and Fliers)
Branding opportunity (both on venue and virtually)
Speaking opportunity at the Press Briefings and media interviews
Speaking opportunity at the summit workshop
Branding press conference
Includes airing a 30 seconds advert or PPT presentation
Free standard exhibition booth
Mentions on the social media platforms such as Face book, Twitter and website
Certificate of participation
10 MC mentions. 10 VIP tickets for staff and up to 50 virtual passes.
SILVER SPONSORSHIP (Ugx 15,000, 000)
Logo recognition as a sponsor on selected media material (print, Banners and fliers)
Speaking opportunity at the Press Briefings, event, and media interviews
Free exhibition booth (both on venue and virtually)
Includes airing a 30 seconds advert or PPT presentation
Mentions on the BT Forum International social media platforms such as Facebook, Linked-In, Twitter and website
Unlimited branding outside the event hall
5 MC stage mentions
Certificate of Appreciation
5 tickets for staff and 25 virtual passes
Logo recognition as a sponsor on selected media materials (Banners and fliers)
Free Exhibition Space (both on venue and virtually)
Includes airing a 30 seconds advert or PPT presentation
Unlimited branding outside the event hall
2 VIP tickets for staff for the red carpet participation.
Certificate of Appreciation
2 MC stage mentions.
Speaking engagement
Corporate participation; Exhibition, 30sec Advert, Entry for two, 10 virtual passes Ugx.2,000,000/-
Individual Participation, 1person present on venue Ugx. 250,000/-
Individual participation virtual. Ugx.50,000/-