Years: Since 2017

Business Trend Forums held: since 2020

Industries Served : Oil and gas, Finance, Insurance, Educations and Agriculture.

Whatsapp groups for CEOS and business leaders: 4

Businesses Helped Grow
Membership Size

What We Do

The Business Trend Setters’ forum seeks, together with other like-minded organizations to encourage the following:


Business Synergies and Networking. Keep close to the fire.
Encourage and possibly champion innovation and new product development.

Innovation and Mentor-ship

Guide young Entrepreneurs in the discovery of untapped ideas to invent,
re-invent, generate ideas, and set trends in their respective industries or areas of expertise

Intelligence & Bench Marking

Link up with the International Community of Trendsetters to share innovative ideas that ensure
revenue generation and retention within Uganda and East Africa as a whole.

Partnerships and Collaborations

Encourage value addition through partnerships and joint ventures for BUBU, EAC and mutual growth.

Personal growth, knowledge sharing and legacy planning

The Need

We are intentional about creating platforms for CEOs, Business Leaders, and entrepreneurs who seek to set new trends, re-invent, and be equipped for disruptive impact in business.

We believe cross mentorship and networking are missing pieces and crucial for entrepreneurs, giving them the foundation needed to navigate in their initial growth phase.

Follower Growth

Our Team

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